The Customer Hero: Keys to Creating Case Studies That Get Results

It’s a content marketing quandary: case studies are widely considered the most effective and impactful B2B content format, but very... The post The Customer Hero: Keys to Creating Case Studies That Get Results appeared first on TopRank® Marketing.

Jul 25, 2024 - 05:30
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The Customer Hero: Keys to Creating Case Studies That Get Results

It’s a content marketing quandary: case studies are widely considered the most effective and impactful B2B content format, but very few of them are actually all that good.

When you are able to share a true story of your product or service making a difference for real customers, that can be an incredibly powerful tool for validating your brand in the eyes of prospects and leads. The hurdle: getting people to want to read case studies, or to even find them in the first place.

One of the top content-related questions our agency hears from B2B companies is: How can we do case studies better? Many are not seeing the results they would like, while recognizing that this content is in-demand and highly influential for buyers. 

So our team has put a great deal of thought and energy into elevating the marketing case study, developing a refined set of best practices based on industry insights and our own experiences with clients. Read on for a rundown on our approach and process.

Marketing case studies get results

In Content Marketing Institute’s latest benchmarking research, case studies were tied with videos as the type of content producing the best results for B2B marketers. It makes sense that brands are able to attribute a lot of lower-funnel impact to case studies because they’re often leveraged later in the buyer journey, when decision-makers are evaluating a vendor’s capabilities in the consideration phase.

Case studies serve as excellent stepping stones for interested customers, which is why they are frequently used as CTAs in upper-funnel content. Once someone has learned about a topic related to your solutions, they can learn how you do it, lending credibility.

Demand Gen Report’s 2023 Content Preferences Survey found that case studies are far-and-away the content format that buyers find most appealing at the middle stage of their journeys. (It was also fourth-highest for the final stage, after demos, user reviews, and ROI calculators.)

Case studies are extremely valuable in marketing. That statement is intuitive enough on its own, and well supported by data. So how can you do them better?

Where many case studies miss the mark

A big problem with case studies is found in the name itself. The term “case study,” which has become popularized in business, originated with applications in scientific research, so it’s no surprise these retrospective examinations can often feel a bit stuffy and academic.

Producing a dry “just-the-facts” case study might help a decision-maker check boxes for capabilities and verify your organization’s track record, but it’s probably not going to captivate them or inspire them. 

The other common issue with case studies is that they tend to be highly self-serving, and as any content marketer knows, that’s not a recipe for success. Given their purpose, it’s fair to say case studies are inherently self-serving in a way, but there are key differences in framing that can make the content more engaging and valuable for readers.

Over the years, many companies have come to refer to case studies as “customer stories” or “customer success stories.” This phrasing gets at the right mindset: telling a compelling story, and putting the subject at the center. Brands have an opportunity to lean into this mindset even more.

Let’s explore some case study tactics and techniques in depth.

Best practices for customer-centric marketing case studies 

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel in terms of structure. Generally speaking, a case study will include most or all of these basic elements, which marketers and customers have come to expect:

  • Title: Brief descriptor of the story and result
  • Summary: Quick overview with key details for execs
  • Challenge: What problem was solved?
  • Solution: How was the problem solved?
  • Results: What impact was seen?
  • Quotes: Direct insight from customer
  • Statistics: Evidence of success

At TopRank, the question we like to ask is, how can we elevate each of these elements for greater impact? How can we make every part of the case study more resonant, relevant and memorable for readers? Think holistically about the various components in applying these best practices.

Make the customer the hero. (Really.)

Many marketers seem to have this aspiration, but I must say that I often find the follow-through to be lacking. So many case studies I read from brands are framed as “Our product did this” or “Our service did that.” I understand why. Case studies need to showcase what the solution can do.

But the best case studies I’ve come across truly celebrate the companies whose results are being spotlighted. These customer stories break down the smart strategies and talented execution that led to overcoming a challenge at hand. It’s more “Their team did this (and our product helped)” or “Their company achieved this (and our service played a role).”

In this approach, the subject of the case study is the star of the show, and your brand is a supporting actor. That might feel counterintuitive in some respects, but when deftly crafted, the content will still establish your solution as essential in this success story, and the reader will be better able to recognize its impact through the customer’s eyes.

Imagining case studies as co-branded assets

Another big benefit of creating truly customer-centered case studies is that they also can become a case study for the company you are profiling. After all, you’re highlighting what they accomplished, how skilled their team is, how innovative their usage of your solution.

This flattering focus makes people within the featured company more likely to proactively share the case study in their own circles out of pride and excitement – precisely the kind of authentic reach brands should be aiming to achieve.

Tell an emotionally resonant story

Purchase decisions are made emotionally. A study by CEB and Google famously illustrated that emotional connection is more likely to differentiate a B2B brand in the eyes of buyers than distinguishing features or functionalities. Those things matter, of course, but they shouldn’t be driving the narrative of your case study.

As Stephen Cheliotis wrote in an article for the Association of National Advertisers: “While practical considerations are vital in B2B purchases – you wouldn’t buy an IT system with flimsy security or hire a security firm with a questionable track record – the choice isn’t simply a binary one between rationality and emotion. It’s about combining the two, presenting the tangible benefits of your brand in a way that also elicits an emotional response to drive mental market share and greater impact.”

Aim to make your case study bring through the emotions of the people involved: the frustration of the previous situation, the relief of a smooth implementation, the triumph of a turnaround in results.

Build content repurposing and promotion into your campaign plan

Too many marketing case studies are sitting in difficult-to-find sections of company websites, largely unpromoted and unnoticed. It’s a shame! Developing a promotional strategy in the early stage of your case study campaign will help ensure it gets the most reach and  engagement possible.

Here are some tips for maximizing impact:

  • Consider SEO best practices in naming, designing and publishing your case study. People might not be likely to search for “How [client] got results with [company]’s product”; but they might search for something like “financial software implementation example.” Google rewards authentic content reflecting real-life experience and expertise, meaning these true stories have powerful ranking potential.
  • Repurpose the content to share in various ways. Once you’ve drafted the case study, you can efficiently create different forms of content to help people find or use it. These might include infographics, sales presentations, social media slideshows, and more.
  • Make case studies easy to find contextually. As mentioned above, case studies make for great mid-funnel content, so be intentional about helping users find them along their journey. Add links to specific case studies as CTAs in upper-funnel content where the example is pertinent. 

Bring your customer stories to life

Don’t let one of the most powerful content formats in your B2B arsenal be an afterthought. Taking steps to make your case studies more customer-centered, emotionally resonant, and easy to find can make a huge difference in the success of your B2B content marketing strategy. 

Ready to work with an experienced partner to elevate your case studies? Learn about TopRank Marketing’s content services.

The post The Customer Hero: Keys to Creating Case Studies That Get Results appeared first on TopRank® Marketing.

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