Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

Facebook SEO isn't just part of a well-rounded digital marketing diet — it's the key to unlocking more reach. The post Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024 appeared first on Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

Aug 15, 2024 - 05:30
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Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

Social media SEO should be part of any ambitious marketer’s repertoire, but today, we’re diving into Facebook-specific tactics. That’s right — we’re cracking open the secret recipe to Facebook SEO!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of Facebook SEO and give you plenty of tips you can implement today to better your reach.

  1. Facebook SEO is about about making your Facebook content easier to find. By optimizing your posts and Page with the right keywords and strategies, you can boost your visibility on Facebook and even show up in Google search results.
  2. Double-check your basics. Make sure your Page’s details—like business hours, address, and contact information—are accurate and up-to-date. This will help with local search and provide the best possible user experience.
  3. It’s all about crafting compelling content. Consistently publish high-quality, keyword-rich content to improve your Page’s ranking and engagement.
  4. Use descriptive alt text for images to improve SEO and accessibility. Also, include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on your Page to guide user behavior and increase click-through rates
  5. Monitor, monitor, monitor. Regularly analyze your Page’s metrics to understand what works and what doesn’t. From there, adjust and refine. Psstt: Tools like Hootsuite Analytics can help with that…

Bonus: Download a free social SEO checklist and follow pro tips for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get your posts seen by more people.

What is Facebook SEO and why is it important?

Facebook SEO is the practice of optimizing Facebook content to increase your reach, discoverability, and visibility on the platform.

Social SEO is a relatively new practice, but it’s grounded in the same principles as traditional SEO, which is the process of getting your site to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Facebook search engine optimization is essentially the same idea but within the walls of Facebook. In both cases, it’s all about working with the algorithm to make sure your content rises to the top.

Plus, if your page is optimized well enough, it can even rank outside of Facebook and show up in the Google search results.

Here’s why Facebook SEO matters for your business:

  • Increased visibility: Optimizing your Facebook page for SEO helps get your content in front of the right targeted audiences (the people who are searching for content like yours).
  • Higher engagement: When your content is optimized with relevant keywords, is posted at the best time, and is engaging for your followers, you’re more likely to see higher engagement across the board.
  • Improved Google rankings: When executed well, Facebook SEO may also help your brand climb the Google SERPs (search engine results pages).
  • Higher click-through rate: The more visibility and reach you have, the more traffic you’ll have to your page. And when you have a CTA button set up, you increase the chances of those people clicking on that action.

15 tactics to optimize your Facebook Page for SEO

When it comes to Facebook SEO, you need to be strategic. You can’t just publish content and set up your profile all willy-nilly. That’s a recipe for a flop.

Instead, consider these Facebook SEO tactics your secret weapon to climb the feed.

1. Choose the right page name and username

Names are important. Anyone who was made fun of in elementary school can tell you that (coming from a Smallween, I mean, Colleen herself).

For SEO purposes, names play a major role in your Page’s searchability.

When you choose your Facebook Page’s name (which may be obvious), you must communicate who you are. If it doesn’t feel too spammy, add in what you do after (i.e., [your business name] + [your offering]).

Search engines and social platforms love relevant keywords, so if you can fit one into your Facebook Page name that also answers what you do, you’re golden.

Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop is an example of a good SEO and Facebook Page name collab. It says who the brand is (Mellow Johnny’s) and what they do (Bike Shop), which is the main keyword someone is likely to search for.

Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop username

Source: Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop

Your Page’s username is also important for SEO purposes. The username is what’s used for your Page’s URL (more on that below), which will show up in the search results.

It’s also perfectly acceptable to just have your business name as your Facebook Page name, too.

Flower Beds Farm, for example, would read very awkwardly if they were to include keywords after their Page name. Flower Beds Farm, Vancouver Island Tourist Hotspot, sounds… wrong.

Flower Beds Farm business name

Source: Flower Beds Farm

When in doubt, go with what reads naturally.

SEO is designed to best serve human beings with the pages they are searching for, so you should always aim to sound natural. Write for people, not the machine, and the machine will reward you.

Psstt: Don’t think your username is search-friendly? Follow these steps to change your username on Facebook.

2. Customize your URL

As we mentioned above, your username plays a role in Facebook SEO, and one of its primary functions is as your Page’s URL.

When you first create your Facebook Page, you will be assigned a generic URL that looks like a not-so-pretty jumble of numbers and characters. Antisocial Skateboard Shop, for example, hasn’t changed theirs yet, so it looks like so:

Antisocial Skateboard Shop generic URL

Source: Antisocial Skateboard Shop

(Antisocial Skateboard Shop: If you’re reading this, change your generic address to a vanity URL!)

To improve your searchability, change the default string of nonsense into a vanity URL. Vanity URLs are customized web addresses; like vanity plates, you decide what yours says.

Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop opted for just “Mellow Johnny’s” as their username. It’s short and easy to remember.

Mellow Johnny’s vanity URL

Source: Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop

To create your custom Page URL, you simply have to change your Facebook username, which is under your Settings tab > Page setup > View Page Username, then Edit. Use something short and branded, and attach a keyword.

3. Use consistent branding

If a customer has seen your business on another social media platform or even in person, they’ll look for the same logo or branding when searching for you on Facebook.

Make your Page easy to identify by making sure your branding is consistent across all your pages and accounts.

For example, The New York Times has multiple Facebook Pages for different sections of its newspaper. If someone were to search for one of these Pages, they would be confident these are the official accounts due to the consistent branding and language.

The New York Times multiple Facebook pages with consistent branding and language

4. Craft a compelling About section

The About section is one of the first things your Page visitors will read, especially if they’re discovering your business for the first time.

You might be thinking, why include branding advice in an SEO tactic list? It’s science, really: you want users to smash that follow button, so Facebook thinks you’re the most popular kid at the party.

And the best way to get buy-in? Make sure your branding speaks to your audience on an emotional level.

Sweetgreen’s Facebook Page About section shares its mission to build healthier communities and details how the company is doing just that.

sweetgreen details about section

Source: Sweetgreen

The Intro section (right above your Page details) is also an opportunity to craft a short and sweet description that lets visitors know who you are and what they can expect.

Here’s Sweetgreen’s simple and straightforward (and effective!) Intro:

sweetgreen short description a destination for simple seasonal healthy food

5. Double-check your details

Have you ever searched for a business on Facebook to find out their business hours or address, only to be met with outdated details? You don’t want to put potential customers in this situation.

Make sure to list your business address, phone number, and business hours on your Facebook Page, especially if you operate a local or physical business.

Even if you’re a purely online, don’t-call-me, working 3 AM to 4:30 AM e-commerce brand, you’ll want to include something here. Facebook indexes for local search based on this information.

Retailer World Market includes a customer service number and a link to its store locator in its Intro section. These are details people on Facebook are likely searching for, so it’s a good idea to display them front and center.

World Market phone number and store locator

Source: World Market

If you have a physical address, you can also allow users to check in, creating more visibility for your business. This can serve to increase social trust in your brand. If you see a friend checking into a business, maybe you’ll check it out yourself.

6. Incorporate strategic keywords

Your About section, description, headline, photo captions, notes, and even updates are all areas for potential keyword plugs.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Keywords are the cornerstone of your SEO marketing strategy. You want to use your keywords at least once throughout your Facebook Page.

Not only do these keywords let Facebook’s search engine know what your Page is, but they also help visitors learn what you do (and what value you can bring them) if they’re quickly scrolling your page.

However, don’t keyword stuff. If you go overboard, you’ll get dinged. Remember, you’re writing for human beings.

Look at this Page (chosen totally at random!) for an example of how to integrate keywords naturally. Pay attention to the Intro section (Social media tools! Build brands!) and the photo caption (SMMs!).

Hootsuite Facebook page keywords for SEO

If you’re not sure where to start your keyword research, keep an eye on what your audience is searching for and talking about using brand monitoring tools. You can also use SEO tools like SEMRush or Google’s keyword planner to create a list of keywords to keep an eye on.

Though, if you really want to hone in on what your audience is searching for when it comes to your brand or business, use a tool like TalkWalker by Hootsuite. The social listening tool monitors real-time conversations on social media to pick up on mentions and keywords related to your brand.

Hootsuite TalkWalker feature preview of wordcloud

Demand changes over time, so revisit and update your target keywords regularly. That way, you’ll always be abreast of keyword fluctuations that pertain to your business.

7. Earn more backlinks

Much like in traditional SEO, backlinks are like a vote of confidence — they give your Page credibility. Google will view you as an industry authority if you can get other reputable sites to link to your Facebook Page or your content. Don’t forget to link to your website in the About section of your Facebook Page.

You can build a backlink network by collaborating with influencers and other strategic partners.

If you have an active blog or perhaps a newsletter, Rich DeMatteo, president and co-owner of Bad Rhino Digital Marketing, suggests including your Facebook Page link in your content.

“You’d be surprised how many new followers and Page likes this generates,” says DeMatteo. “Like everything else, the more effort, the greater result. This isn’t something that you just do once or twice a month and stop — it’s a focused effort to push those links out monthly.”

But the best way to earn quality backlinks is pretty simple. Produce high-quality content that matches user needs, and the links should start rolling in.

Actually, speaking of high-quality content…

8. Publish keyword-rich content

If you want to increase your chances of showing up in the Feed, you must consistently and repeatedly publish keyword-rich content. You can’t just push out one or two posts per month and expect groundbreaking results. Consistent, quality content will really help with your SEO.

For example, the community, Create & Cultivate regularly shares value-packed tips and resources that its audience is searching for. Every post includes strategic keywords that are sure to grab the attention of readers.

Create and Cultivate keywords with tips and resources

Source: Create & Cultivate

But don’t worry — you don’t need to be a content business to publish keyword-driven captions and posts. If you’re unsure where to start, try our guide to social media content creation. Or get inspired by these fresh social media post ideas.

Once you’ve got your content sorted and ideas for keyword-rich Facebook captions, be sure to schedule your posts in bulk with Hootsuite (the ultimate time-saver).

hootsuite planner feature preview

9. Engage on Messenger

Social media is built for communication. If your followers leave a comment, respond! Open up a dialogue and have a chat.

The Facebook algorithm judges content (in part) based on engagement levels. So, if your followers offer you the chance to increase engagement, take it.

What’s even more important for engagement today is responding to messages. More than a billion Facebook users reach out to businesses through Facebook messages each week. You don’t want to leave your customers on read, especially considering they’re likely reaching out with a question or concern.

If you don’t think you’ll be able to stay on top of your messages in a timely manner, set up an automated system like Hootsuite Inbox so you never miss a DM.

10. Moderate your reviews

Don’t get bummed out if you get a bad review. Bad reviews are a part of life! Not only that, but they also offer you an opportunity to provide top-tier customer service.

You’ll likely gain a loyal customer if you can turn a bad experience into a great one. You can even ask them to reconsider the review they left. Really, a negative review is just a positive review waiting to happen.

Not to mention, other Facebook users can read reviews—and your responses—so it’s important to be professional to maintain your reputation.

Your first step is to respond to the reviewer, apologize, and offer a solution. Then, once you’ve resolved or diffused the situation, you can ask them to reconsider their rating.

Brands with five stars are more likely to be interacted with on Facebook, improving your SEO.

Jester King recommendations with reviews

Source: Jester King Brewery

11. Include a CTA

Like any social media post or page, you need to include a call to action (CTA) for your followers.

Facebook makes this easy with its Action button option. This button links directly to whatever action you want people to take on your Page, whether that’s to contact you or make an order.

Action button option send message

Some of the Action button options include:

  • Book now
  • Sign up
  • Send message
  • Learn more
  • Reserve
  • Buy now

The action you choose depends on where you want to direct people and traffic from Facebook. You can also do some research into what people are usually looking for when they find your Page.

Milk + Honey Spa includes two CTA buttons on its Facebook Page, one to book an appointment and another to send them a message.

milk and honey spa book now or message options

Source: milk + honey

12. Post consistently (and at the right time)

Being active on Facebook is another way to increase your chances of ranking higher in people’s feeds simply because it gives you more opportunities.

Not only that but from a user’s POV, it’s more compelling to click on a Page with recent posts than one that clearly hasn’t posted in months. In fact, Facebook shows users how active a Page is:

Buzzfeed active and consistent posting on Facebook

Source: BuzzFeed

Another consideration? The time you post. Figuring out the best time to post on Facebook will inherently raise your engagement rates, better serve content to your audience, and please the algorithm Gods. All of this, of course, works to better your SEO.

Hootsuite’s content publisher will suggest optimal times for you to post.

Best Time to Publish - Facebook Heatmap

Or, for those go-getters, you can do your own research by following this red-hot advice on the best times to post on Facebook.

13. Get smart about alt text

Alt text: We love to see it. Adding alt text to your Facebook photos helps the platform understand and index your content. It also gives you an opportunity to add a keyword or two (if it sounds natural), which results in it showing up more in search results.

Even without the SEO optimized benefits, creating accessible content is just good practice. It also allows those in your audience with visual impairments to enjoy your content.Besides being the right thing to do, this effectively expands your audience to include those with visual impairments or other disabilities.

Facebook will automatically generate alt text if you don’t enter anything (and it’s painfully generic), so be sure to add your own alt text to every image you post.

Harvard University is diligent about adding descriptive alt text to its Facebook posts. The alt text for this image reads: “People walk around Harvard Yard as sun shines through trees.”

Harvard University descriptive alt text for summer sun campus image

Source: Harvard University

14. Create location-specific content

Do you have more than one location? Your SEO strategy may benefit from multiple location Pages, allowing you to capitalize on the benefits of localized Facebook marketing.

For example, say you have donut shops in Vancouver, Seattle, and Oregon. You could potentially rank for region-specific keywords for each place, but only if you have separate Pages dedicated to targeting those regions’ keywords.

Austin-based pizza shop Via 313 uses this strategy by setting up Facebook Pages for all of its locations, and clarifying which location in the Page name.

This helps them create specific content for their area, and the business also includes a CTA button to Start Order, which makes it easy to order pizza from a specific location right on Facebook.

Via 313 Pizza start order CTA button

Source: Via 313

15. Follow the rules

You have to play by the rules if you want to build your SEO on Facebook.

When optimizing your Page, be sure to follow all of Facebook’s content guidelines to ensure you aren’t violating any rules. For example, stuffing your Page with keywords can make you look spammy, and spam is one of the content types that’s not allowed.

Meta offers a detailed guide on Facebook Community Standards that’s worth checking out if you want to remain compliant.

3 Facebook SEO mistakes to steer clear of

Now that you have some tips for improving your SEO on Facebook, here are a few things not to do.

Keyword stuffing

As we mentioned above, keyword stuffing is a no-no. Not only does it come across as spammy, but it also creates an unpleasant user experience.

Your human audience should always come before the algorithm; no human wants to read posts that sound robotic and unnatural.

Use keywords strategically and sparingly, focusing on your Page name, URL, and About content.

Ignoring your metrics

After all the hard work you put into optimizing your Facebook Page for search, creating keyword-driven content, and adding alt text to all of your photos, the last thing you want to do is just cross your fingers and hope it works.

If there’s one thing you shouldn’t skip, it’s analyzing your Facebook metrics. Social analytics is one of the best ways to measure your progress and see what’s working. Don’t ignore what the data tells you!

Check metrics like Page reach, impressions, new followers, and new likes after implementing a new SEO tactic to see if it’s helping improve your Page visibility. You should also see how your CTA performs to determine if that’s the right action to include on your Page.

And to make this step easier to follow, use a tool like Hootsuite Analytics to check your data, schedule content, and respond to customers in one place.

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Low-quality content

Another SEO mistake to avoid? Littering your page with low-quality content. While you want to post keyword-rich content consistently, it should still be valuable for your Facebook audience.

“Don’t clutter your page with too much content or irrelevant information,” says Sasha Berson, Chief Growth Officer at Grow Law Firm. “Keep it clean and easy to navigate so visitors can find what they need quickly.”

Consider what people are coming to your Page for—whether that’s contact information, educational content, or information about your services—and make sure they can easily find it.

Facebook SEO: FAQ

What is the meaning of SEO on Facebook?

Facebook search engine optimization is the strategy of increasing your Page’s visibility, reach, or ranking on Feeds. SEO for Facebook is very similar to SEO on other platforms.

How do I SEO my Facebook Business Page?

You can SEO Facebook Pages by implementing the Facebook SEO tactics above! SEO can be a long game, so the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be.

Do Facebook reviews help SEO?

Yes, Facebook reviews help SEO by improving your Page’s credibility and reputation. More positive reviews will signal to users that you’re a trustworthy business, which can help increase click-through rate.

How to rank high on Facebook?

You can rank higher on Facebook by optimizing your Page for search, posting keyword-rich content, and following community guidelines.

Do Facebook ads improve SEO?

Facebook ads do not directly improve SEO on or off the platform. However, Facebook ads may drive more traffic to your Page or website.

Manage your Facebook presence alongside your other social media channels using Hootsuite. Schedule posts, share video, engage your audience, and measure the impact of your efforts — all from a single dashboard. Try it free today.

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The post Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024 appeared first on Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

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